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10 Steps To Creating A Success Mindset

July 23, 2018

I’m April Likins

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If you’re reading this, you must have a big, scary, amazing goal you’re ready to achieve. What if I told you the only thing standing in the way of making it happen is you? But don’t worry! These 10 actionable steps can change everything. Creating a success mindset is the key to accomplishing any goal you can dream up. So, let’s get started.

1. Know Your Why

As start the journey to discovering your why, first ask yourself: What’s my deeper passion, you know the one that sets my soul ablaze?

The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why. —Mark Twain

2. Think About What You’re Thinking About

Our words hold power, and the same is true about our thoughts. What you think about and focus on grows. Life coach Brooke Castillo teaches the idea our thoughts create our feelings, our feelings drive our actions, and our actions create our results. Powerful right? And the good news is the brain is neuroplastic, meaning it can adapt to new situations, organize new information and even rewire new pathways. Change your thoughts, and you can change your life! Be mindful to think positive thoughts, to dream bigger and to set scary (but realistic) goals because you are capable of amazing things! You will get the results you want when you start first with the right thoughts.

Ask yourself: What are the stories I’m regularly telling myself that aren’t in alignment with my deeper desires or goals? Be mindful of how you can actively refocus your thoughts.

3. Know Where You’re Going

Once you know why you’re doing what you’re doing and you’ve changed your thinking to drive results, it’s time to take action. Because a dream without a plan is just a wish. It’s important to set SMART (specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and timely) goals and start working toward them as soon as possible. Keep your eye on the prize and challenge yourself to take at least one or two baby steps toward your goals each day.

4. Let Go of Perfection

Here’s the thing… Having a success mindset, setting big goals and taking actions toward them does NOT mean these things have to be perfect. And actually, I can promise you they won’t be, and that’s OK. You just need to start because action (however big or small) creates momentum. Start embracing your fears and taking action, and don’t take yourself so seriously. Imperfect action will always trump perfect inaction, because, as the saying goes, the grass is greener where you water it. Give yourself the freedom to try new things and the grace to be OK if they work out differently than you were expecting. Challenge yourself by asking: “What would I have the courage to do if fear were not a factor?”

Everything you want is on the other side of fear. – Jack Canfield

5. Redefine What “Failure” Means to You

Thomas Edison created 1,000 unsuccessful attempts at inventing the light bulb before finally succeeding. At least 12 publishers turned down JK Rowling’s manuscript of her first Harry Potter book. And Michael Jordan was cut from his high school varsity basketball team sophomore year. Can you imagine all that they would have missed out on in life if they’d simply given up? The biggest “failure” you can make is not trying the things you most want to do. If you’re willing to continually step outside of your comfort zone and try new things, you will find success. You can’t fail. Yes, you may learn how not to do something, but it will better inform how to achieve your goals.

Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly. – Robert F. Kennedy

Success Mindset | Glow Be Lovely

6. Celebrate the Small Wins and have Fun Along the Way

Give yourself permission to enjoy the journey. Always remember that no win is too small, because each one gets you closer to where you want to go.

Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out. —Robert J. Collier

7. Continually Learn

When you stop being willing to learn, you’ll stop growing. It’s important to be coachable and to seek wisdom from those who have gone before you. Find people who are doing what you want to do really, really well. Study what they’re doing, ask how they’re finding success and use what you learn as inspiration on your journey. You can also gain a ton of knowledge from blogs and books related to your field (some of my favorite books that are definitely worth reading are above).

Success Mindset | Ever Skin Tribe | Glow Be Lovely

8. Find Your Tribe

It’s so important to surround yourself with those who fuel you and encourage you to be the best version of you. You need a tribe to turn to when you’re up against the roadblocks of life, because they’re inevitable. Your tribe will be there to lift you up and remind you of why you started. Iron sharpens iron.

We rise by lifting others. – Robert Ingersoll.

9. Cultivate Gratitude

You know those roadblocks we talked about above? Well, they will happen. But when working through them, remember every day is a gift and you likely have countless reasons to be thankful, even during hard times. By cultivating gratitude each day, you’ll train your mind to be more positive, which will help carry you through difficult situations. Some ways you can cultivate gratitude are by reflecting on what you’re thankful for through meditation or prayer. You can also write down three things you’re thankful for each day in a gratitude journal or write a thank you note to someone who has impacted your life.

10. Give Back

Think beyond yourself and become a servant leader who inspires others with greatness. Volunteer your time and talents to mentor others or serve your community. Practice random acts of kindness and look for ways to do things for others without strings attached.  Take the time to find the good in others and be willing to tell them often. Leave people a little better than you found them. Ask yourself: “How do I want to impact the world around me for the better?”

We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give. – Winston Churchill


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